810-658-1555 9011 Davison Road, Davison, Michigan 48423 Website: Attorneytallman.com Email: [email protected] |
Facing legal issues or problems can often be a very stressful and trying time. Whatever your legal situation is, Lori Tallman is here to help you. She has over 30 years of legal experience in most areas of law and combines that with compassion, dedication and personalized services to make you feel protected and give you peace of mind. Let Lori put your mind at ease. She cares about you and your legal needs. You need someone you can rely on and trust. Contact her office today to schedule a consultation. Scroll down for additional information.
Lori A. Tallman, PLC Attorney at Law
9011 Davison Road Davison, MI 48423 |
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: attorneytallman.com Phone: (810) 658-1555 Fax: (810) 658-1557 |
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